Convenience retail tender (CLOSED)


Tender general information:

  • Units: 3 units in VNO airport, 2 units in KUN airport, 1 unit in PLQ airport (516 sq. m. total);

  • Submit applications: 13th May to 29th May 2024

Questions & Answers

17 April 2024 / 06 May 2024 / 10 May 2024 Questions and Answers both in English and Lithuanian can be downloaded

Tender documentation:

  1. RE Public Lease Tender Announcement can be downloaded:

  1. Tender Application Form can be downloaded:

  1. Declaration of National Security Compatibility can be downloaded:

  1. Declaration of Experience of the Tenderer can be downloaded:

  1. 2nd Annex for VNO both in English and Lithuanian can be downloaded HERE

  2. 2nd Annex for KUN both in English and Lithuanian can be downloaded HERE

  3. 2nd Annex for PLQ both in English and Lithuanian can be downloaded HERE

  4. 3rd Annex both in English and Lithuanian can be downloaded HERE

Additional documentation:

Code of Ethics of the Business Partners of JSC Lithuanian Airports can be downloaded:

Customer Service Standard for Business partners of JSC Lithuanian Airports can be downloaded:

Description of property lease procedures both in English and in Lithuanian can be downloaded HERE

Have any questions?

Feel free to contact Simas Mocevičius, Sales Manager at Lithuanian Airports,

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